Key Area Actions required
Enhancement of Production and Productivity
⮞ Promotion of advanced technologies (RAS, IMTA, Bio-floc, cage culture, pen culture, intensive farming etc.).
⮞ “Land Lease Policy for coastal aquaculture” for identification of potential areas and expansion
⮞ “Reservoir Leasing Policy” for increasing productivity and production from reservoirs
⮞ Production, supply and stocking of disease-resistant and genetically improved fish and prawn seed in public water bodies and promotion of captive seed nurseries under MGNREGS.
⮞ Revive and strengthen Govt. Fish Seed Farms with adequate infrastructure and staff.
⮞ Promote automation and IoT-based tools for smart aquaculture.
⮞ Promotion of cluster approaches through aquaculture societies
Environmental Sustainability
⮞ Adherence to “ Pre-cautionary principles of Environmental Law” and “Polluter Pay Principle”
⮞ Promotion of eco-friendly aquaculture practices and organic farming using organic inputs
⮞ Reduce carbon emissions and soil degradation.
⮞ Taking up de-silting and de-weeding of creeks, canals and drains for free flow of water
⮞ Allocation of free irrigated water to aquaculture farmers through Water Leasing Policy.
⮞ Regulate invasion of exotic species and up-keeping bio-diversity
⮞ Strict prohibition on aquaculture activities in mangroves, ecologically sensitive areas and agricultural lands.
Diversification in Aquaculture
⮞ Promotion of alternate species both in freshwater ( GIFT Tilapia, Amur carp, Scampi, Jayanthi rohu) and Brackishwater (Mud crab, Marine Finfish and Indigenous shrimp)
⮞ Establishment of hatcheries, brood banks, Broodstock Multiplication Centres, Nucleus Breeding Centre’s in P4 model for production and supply of quality broodstock and seed.
⮞ Operationalise Integrated Aqua Park (IAP) & ongoing aquaculture projects within time frame.
⮞ Incentives for diversification and infrastructure under Utilize PMMSY.
⮞ Establish Aquatic Quarantine Facility (AǪF) in Vizag for SPF shrimp broodstock.
⮞ MoUs with ICAR, GoI Institutions and expertise agencies for technology transfer and infusion.
Promotion of Mariculture activities
⮞ Bringing “Mariculture Leasing Policy” for optimal utilisation of coastal waters for seaweed farming, cage culture, raft culture, and bi-valve farming.
⮞ Collaboration with ICAR-CMFRI, CIBA, NIOT, and CSIR for capacity building and promotion among Fisherwomen, SHGs, FFPOs, and entrepreneurs.
⮞ Support with backward and forward linkages for hatcheries, feed plants, processing and marketing facilities.
Reduction of Production Costs
⮞ Promotion of cost-effective feeds using local ingredients to reduce dependency on imported inputs.
⮞ Minimize feed wastage and improve Feed Conversion Ratios (FCR).
⮞ Minimize operational cost by introducing IoT tools and drones
⮞ Strict regulation on spurious inputs, quality assurance and price regulation in aquaculture inputs (feed, seed, broodstock and health care products)
⮞ Credit flow through financial institutions to help the farmers from private lending with high rate of interest.
Disease Management
⮞ Strengthen Digitalized Disease Surveillance System and Disease Diagnosis Labs.
⮞ Strict compliance to bio-security standards, hygiene and sanitation condition
⮞ Regulating in-breeding in freshwater fishes and production and supply of genetically improved and disease-resistant fish and shrimp species
⮞ Strict regulation on usage of pharmacologically active substances, anti-microbial agents through Task Force Committees, encourage growth promoters and immune-stimulants
⮞ Growth and health monitoring using IoT- based tools and declaration of disease free zones.
⮞ Extension of services of ICAR institutions through Advisories and toll-free services on disease management including “Report Fish Disease” App of ICAR-NBFGR to the farmers and aquaculture technicians
Aquaculture Crop Insurance
⮞ Sensitise and coverage of farmers under Aquaculture Crop Insurance under PMMKSSY.
⮞ Enter MoU with NFDB & ICAR-CIBA to support farmers with insurance coverage under PMMKSSY.
Value Addition
⮞ Enhancement of value addition to fish and fishery products from 10% to 30-40%
⮞ Financial support from Ministry of Food Processing Industries under PMKSY, PMFME and PMMSY of DOF for establishment of facilities for value-addition to indigenous raw material, value-added products
⮞ Strengthening of testing lab facilities for quality assurance
⮞ Import of raw material for re-processing and re-export.
Export Promotion
⮞ Advanced Traceability Systems in aquaculture supply chain through blockchain technology
⮞ Promotion Seafood exports with branding and quality assurance certification
⮞ Support for ”Mega food parks”, “Cold chain facilities” and Centre of excellence”
⮞ Exemption from Anti-Dumping Duties (ADD) and Counter-Veiling Duties (CVD) by the Govt. of India
⮞ Expansion of International market for value added products, live fish & Shrimp and soft-shell crab.
⮞ Promote direct linkages between farmers and exporters.
⮞ Establishment of adequate Quality Control labs for 100% PHT screening on par with international standards
⮞ Regulation on peeling and pre-processing plants for quality control.
⮞ Coordination with GoI Ministries to address the issues at International market by the High Level Committee
⮞ Conduct market research and trade intelligence to enhance exports.
⮞ MPEDA to share weekly seafood market prices and demand forecasts.
⮞ Boost Domestic Marketing of live and frozen fish/prawn to enhance per capita consumption in the State
⮞ Fish supply to other States with branding and quality certification.

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